Sustainable actor


Town Ulan Baatar
Country Mongolia
Subject Production

I met GUMI Cheese thanks to Marie, a belgium friend i met in a youth hostel in Ulan Batar. She loves cheese, and buying some at the supermarket, she has seen a flyer talking about "Social Business". As i told her about my world tour some few hours before, she gave me the paper. I contacted GUMI through Facebook, and met them. For those who ask me how i find sustainable stakeholders, this is a nice example ! That proves when you're a bit open minded that all comes to you 🙂

So i met Federica that explains what is Gumi Cheese 🙂


"GUMI is a Mongolian-French social business project whose main objective is to support Mongolian way of living and contribute to integrate nomadic herders into modern food-processing industry. The company is a partnership between Mongolian entrepreneurs and a french NGO, Entrepreneurs du monde, a major social microcredit operator.

In 2010, a Dairy production unit has been built and settled in Bulgan Aimag, well-know for the fine quality of its grazing and of its milk.

GUMI's production combines western technology and traditional knowhow with the organic and rich local raw material : the Mongolian Milk. All the milk animals  are grazing outside, bred by nomadic herders and are monitored by a team of veterinary surgeons on GUMI's contracts, as the best guarantee for good milk is a healthy cattle.

All along the production process, constant quality controls are made by the team of operators and the experts of GUMI's laboratory to ensure a perfect sanitary level and optimize the quality and taste.

GUMI produces a tasty and organic EDAM cheese, perfect for sandwiches, salads, appetizers. It is a delicious cheese also grated on pizza or on top of pasta."  (Text written by Gumi).

So thanks a lot Marie and Federica for this nice meeting !


SenseFood Explorer




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